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As EURO 2024 captures the attention of football fans worldwide, certain players have stepped up, transferring their remarkable league performances to the international stage. This article from Comparisonator highlights three such players: Timi Max Elsnik from Slovenia, Dennis Man from Romania, and Georgiy Tsitaishvili from Georgia. We delve into their performances both in their respective leagues and in EURO 2024, showcasing how they have maintained and elevated their game during the tournament. Through this analysis, we gain insights into how these players have become indispensable to their national teams.

3 Players – Under the Spotlight from EURO 2024

Timi Max Elsnik (’98 – CMF) Slovenia

Timi Max Elsnik, a central midfielder for Slovenia and a key player for Olimpija in the Slovenian 1. League, has been instrumental in both his league and international roles. During the 2023/24 league season, Elsnik established himself as a robust defensive presence, consistently leading his team in ball recoveries and defensive actions. He averaged 5.5 ball recoveries per game and 25 successful defensive actions, making him a cornerstone of Olimpija’s midfield defense.

Transitioning to EURO 2024, Elsnik has not only maintained but surpassed these defensive metrics. In the first two group stage matches, he ranks first among all central midfielders in ball recoveries in his own half, with an impressive 6.92 per 90 minutes. This increase demonstrates his heightened defensive alertness on the international stage. Additionally, his ability to block shots has become even more pronounced, leading all players in his position with 1.6 blocks per game. Elsnik’s 32.49 successful defensive actions per game in the tournament far exceed his league averages, highlighting his adaptability and enhanced performance against tougher international competition.

Dennis Man (98 RW) Romania

Dennis Man, the Romanian right-winger who plies his trade with Parma in Italy’s Serie B, has been a creative and attacking force in both his league and national team. In Serie B, Man’s season was characterized by his involvement in scoring opportunities, averaging 0.8 assists and contributing significantly to Parma’s attack with 1.1 shots on target per game. His vision and precise passing were key to his team’s offensive strategies.

In EURO 2024, Man has elevated his game even further. During the group stages, he ranks first among right-wingers in involvement in scoring attacks, with 1.5 per 90 minutes, doubling his league performance. His assist rate has also improved, with an average of one assist per game, placing him at the top among his peers. Man’s accuracy in front of goal continues to shine, as he leads in shots on target. His ability to create scoring opportunities is further highlighted by his third-place ranking in shot assists. These statistics underscore his pivotal role in Romania’s offensive play, reflecting a significant step up from his already impressive league contributions.

Georgiy Tsitaishvili (00 – LW) Georgia

Georgiy Tsitaishvili, a left-winger for Georgia and Dinamo Batumi in the Erovnuli Liga, has consistently impressed with his dribbling and offensive skills. In the Erovnuli Liga, Tsitaishvili has been a standout performer, averaging 3.5 successful dribbles and 0.7 shots on target per game. His ability to take on defenders and create scoring chances has been vital for Dinamo Batumi’s success.

At EURO 2024, Tsitaishvili has taken his game to new heights. In the group stages, he ranks first among left-wingers in successful dribbles, with an average of four per game, surpassing his league performance. His precision in finding the target has also improved, as he tops the rankings with one shot on target per game. This marked increase in his attacking output showcases his ability to rise to the occasion, making him a crucial asset for Georgia on the international stage.

Selected via Comparisonator machine learning index.
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Didem Dilmen

Director of Communications @ Comparisonator